The Future of Peace Leadership – Rotary Peace Building Symposium 2021

Indigenous reconciliation


Family violence


Economics and Peace

Launch of the Peacebuilding Initiative from
the University of Melbourne




22 APRIL 2021, 9.30AM START (AEST)

Greeting from Rotary Foundation Chair of Trustees

Plenary lecture by Nobel Laureate, José Ramos-Horta,
Past President of East Timor

Plenary lecture by Natascha Hryckow,
Coordinator UN Panel of Experts on Somalia &
Geneva Centre for Security Policy Global Fellow

Plenary lecture

José Ramos-Horta AC
My Journey: Lessons on prevention of conflict and building lasting peace.

José was the President of East Timor from 2007 to 2012 and Prime Minister from 2006 to 2007. He is a co-recipient of the 1996 Nobel Peace Prize along with Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo, for working "towards a just and peaceful solution to the conflict in East Timor". As a founder and former member of Fretilin, Ramos-Horta served as the exiled spokesman for the East Timorese resistance during the years of the Indonesian occupation of East Timor. After East Timor achieved independence, He was appointed as the country's first foreign minister. After leaving office as President, Ramos-Horta was appointed as the United Nations' Special Representative and Head of the Integrated Peacebuilding Office in Guinea-Bissau.

Plenary lecture

Natascha Hryckow Peace building in Somalia & Afghanistan: the hard end of the spectrum.

Natascha is the Coordinator UN Panel of Experts on Somalia and GCSP Global Fellow. She is an experienced leader of multilateral interventions with a particular interest in conflict and post conflict environments. Senior management roles include WHO Regional Conflict Advisor, Political Director and Head of country (Somalia & Kenya) for the European Maritime Capacity Building mission EUCAP Nestor, Political Director and Deputy for the Senior Civilian Representative in Afghanistan with the NATO. At the GCSP, she serves as the Inaugural Chair of the Conflict Analysis Network.

Concurrent Workshops

Participants can select to participate in one of three concurrent sessions.
There will be three speakers followed by panel discussion with audience Q&A.


Humanity and humanitarian aid


Business and human rights


What you can do for peace


Facilitated expert panel discussion on

How do we reverse the Doomsday Clock?


Be an agent for change

Take advantage of the opportunity to network with peace professionals and practitioners, Rotary Peace Scholars, Victorian Police Peace workers, and other key paticipants in the program. The sessions offer practical ideas for potential peace and conflict resolution programs that could be implimentated by you and your organisation.

Who is this for?

The Future of Peace Leadership will appeal to Rotarians, academics, business professionals, lawyers and law enforcement personnel, humanitarian and not-for-profit agencies, community members and leaders, students, and practitioners and experts from the region.

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